من نحن؟
نارسا تتكون من فريق قانوني وطني شاب يشتمل على تخصصات متنوعة في تغطية الاحتياجات لسوق العمل.
نارسا فريق من المحامين والمستشارين يقدمون عمل مهني من حضور القضايا وتقديم الاستشارات وبناء الشركات وبناءها
نارسا تتضمن 3 فروع بالرياض وجدة والخبر لتغطية حاجات العملاء وتوسيع مجال الخدمات القانونية
Bankruptcy Cases
Narsa has provided a number of diverse consultations in liquidation, whether liquidation of small creditors or administrative liquidation and has represented a number of clients regarding forced liquidation.
Intellectual Property
Narsa has a rich history of protecting the TM by practicing the registration, cancellation of registration, claim for damages, and dealing legally with the infringement of intellectual property rights .
Narsa has a long history in legal analysis, reviewing legal documents and public protection requirements, and providing a fair legal opinion about the company under study.
Establishment of foreign companies
Narsa has established foreign companies and opened the Saudi market for investors by enhancing their experience and providing support in its various aspects.
Narsa represents its clients in court, administrative, arbitration, and legislative hearings.
Hard work, perfection, achievement and satisfied clients!
Hard work, perfection, achievement and satisfied clients!

"الطريق الوحيد الذي يساعدنا على تحقيق السلام الدائم؛ هو استعاده النشاط الاقتصادي “والتوسع في التجارة الدولية."
(جيمس فورستال)– James Forrestal
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